Alright, before I begin this stuff is NOT going to blow your mind. It may help you think through something you wouldn't have before. The real pro's are all over the place, even youtube. So look up your question and I can almost guarantee you will find someone that will walk you through step by step what to do. For those of you who just need a few tips to get you on your way- this is for you!
Tricks: *If at all possible don't buy from a RV salesman. If you can buy locally, or from a actual person that owns it you will find a more trust worthy home on wheels. Especially if you are going to live in it- you wanna know whats up & that they took good care of it. *Dumping Trash ( Honestly, we forgot before starting each one. Dang, an expense you weren't planning on. You will have tons of trash. Most places cost a lot to dump. Plan this into you budget for the remodel.) * Unexpected: kinda like the last point you will have unexpected costs and mind blowing issues. While budgeting plan these in. *Weight: Everything you buy, look at the weight. The lighter the product you are renovating with the lighter the RV you will be pulling! This is something you will actually thank me for later in life :)
*Furniture: You see all these cute remodels on Instgram or Pinterest now right? Think through it. We bought a bit to heavy of furniture for our first RV, so moving it from site to site took a lot more work. Don't just look at style but look at weight & long term & then... of course, style :)
* Try and not wash the outside by yourself. Story time, thought I was saving money by not paying these dudes that came around and washed your RV's with their fancy sprays and tools. $250 sounded like too much when I had a perfectly wonderful scrub brush. Let just say I almost fell off the roof at least two times. Apparently their is a reason they are so expensive :)