So we get asked a lot if our kids nap & sleep well while traveling. The simple answer is, yes. But before we share what we do let me mention- we realize every child & family is so different! What works for one, may not work for another and we aren't experts with your child, just with ours :) (kidding) But we can do our best to help out! Here we go...
Biggest suggestion is start when they are young. The younger you start taking your kids on adventures and being flexible this will help in the future. As soon as they are able to, have them sleep in new places, not just their bed! Be loud when they are sleeping- don't always have a sound machine or fan on... change it up, you'll thank me later!
Practical tips:
*Calming moments. Calm crafts like coloring are known for calming kids. We aren't shy of using electronics with a calm show or for Remy we use a drawing app. These things before bed get them into a 'cuddle mode' which helps with falling asleep. Also we use 'twinkle lights' which is a dim strand of lights from amazon that helps set the mood right- see HERE .
When infants bring something to give them their 'own area' while sleeping. We were obsessed with Snuggle Organic. Saved us so many times!
Don't give an excuse. We allow our children to be tired but not to be mean. We try to stress that they can be sleepy- cuddle with us at dinner or rest there head while hiking... but we do not allow the excuse of 'their tired' to let them act like a jerk :) This will help later in life too!
We don't watch the clock much. For us, we do NOT stay scheduled while on the road. The girls have grown up this way and it's helped in may ways. The picture shows below them waking up after falling asleep for 10 minutes in the car. Experiences wins over sleep for us everytime!
They are resilient and again the simple answer is- they adapt to our family life, not us to theirs! Happy travel snoozing!